Want to Join SciBowl?

In order to join SciBowl, you must try out. The tryouts for the 2023 season start on 9/18/2023, which is in 1 days. We will send out more information about tryouts via email.

If you want to sign up, please fill out this form, and then we will email you

How Do Tryouts Work?

There are 2 rounds. First, a written test on all subjects of science, and next a buzzer round segregated by category. The 10 categories of rounds

  1. Astronomy
  2. Chemistry
  3. Earth And Space
  4. Energy
  5. Computer Science
  6. Biology
  7. General Science
  8. Physics
  9. Earth Science
  10. Math
The best way to study is to go on SciBowlDBand select only the categories for which you wish to try out. It's a good idea to only focus on 1-2 categories because otherwise you will spread yourself too thinly.