Why I love VIM

Vim is arguable the best text editor
Why I love VIM
By Atticus Kuhn
Published 4/12/2021
Tags: vim

The text editor VIM is possibly one of my favourite tools for developing and coding. Whenever I have the opportunity to use vim, from VS code to Overleaf, and even google docs, I take it. I just want more people to learn and use VIM because of what an enjoyable tool is


Many people often waste time slaving away at menial and boring text editing tasks. Vim makes relative tasks and actions easy using macros, or repeatable sets of keystrokes.


It's no doubt that with all the keybindings, getting from one location in the text to another is usually only a few keypresses. Typing is far faster than using a mouse. I have no doubt that my coding speed has increased twofold due to Vim.


Often when I realise I have not completed the most keystroke efficient algorithm in VIM, I undo all my changes to try again. There is something immensely satisfying about executing the proper algorithm in VIM which I strive for every time I code.

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