My experience using Linux

I recently switched to using only Linux. See how it turned out!
My experience using Linux
By Atticus Kuhn
Published 1/1/2023
Tags: linux, computers, free software


I recently began to experiment with trying Linux, a free and open source operating system. I am a supporter of open-source software because I believe that it gives us true control over what we do on our electronic devices.


For my first foray into the wild world of Linux, I decided to try Nixos because I think the philosophy of everything being in 1 config file is pretty interesting.

My Experience

For the first few days, I couldn't get the X11 server to start and I was stuck in the TTY. I eventually figured out that it was an issue with Intel Graphics, so I fixed it.

My experience was a bit slow and clunky starting out, but eventually, I became faster after I'd learning all the tricks of the new software. I actually think I am faster and more efficient now because open-source software tends to follow the Unix Philosophy of being modular and also has lots of modes and keybindings to speed things up.

Software I've used

The thing I like most about free software is that it seems such software gives ultimate control and customizability to the user. Here are the software packages that I am using right now, which I believe grant the user ultimate control

  • Nixos
  • Emacs
  • Xmonad / Xmobar

I'm looking for a new terminal to use. Right now I'm using Xterm, which isn't very good. If you have any recommendations of terminals that I should try, you can contact me.

My Configuration

If you want to see what configuration and dotfiles I'm using, go to my github because I have posted my dotfiles and configuration files there.

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