My favourite Programming languages

Programming languages are like tools, so you need the right tool for the job
My favourite Programming languages
By Atticus Kuhn
Published 4/12/2021
Tags: python, PHP, javascript, go, java, haskell

With so many different programming languages and technologies available today, it can sometimes be confusing on which to choose for a new project. If I were given the choice, these are my top 4 favourite languages that I would use.

4 Python

I really like the syntax of python. The fact that it is indentation based and I don't have to deal with brackets makes the code look nice.


PHP is the kind of language which gets things done. I have always been interested in web development, and since PHP focuses almost exclusively on web development, I use it sometimes.

2 Javascript

Above PHP, javascript is truly the language of the web. It is the only language to write a full-stack application because it works on the front end and the back end. From React to Node.js, there are many libraries, tools, and frameworks for Javascript. The extraordinary tooling makes it possible to do anything in javascript, and one will never have to switch languages if one chooses it.

1 Haskell

Haskell is my all time favourite language. It is type-safe and entirely functional. By learning Haskell, I have changed the way I think about programming. Haskell forces the programmer to learn about types and side effects in a way which no other language does. I will always try to use Haskell if I can in any context.

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